city of Philadelphia - smoke sensitivity testing

record of completion, smoke detector sensitivity testing, Inspection and Testing and the AHJ
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city of Philadelphia - smoke sensitivity testing

Post by Leo »

Does anyone do inspections in phila?
what is the deal with smoke detector sensitivity testing?
do you do sensitivity testing as part of the yearly inspection?
or do you do a sensitivity testing type inspection?
F-907.20.3.1 Certification of smoke detector
Alternate year sensitivity testing
shall begin in odd-numbered years. Where the
one-year sensitivity test occurs in an even
numbered year, the next sensitivity test is not
due until the second subsequent odd-numbered
year. Results of sensitivity tests shall be listed
on annual inspection and certification forms and
submitted to the Department of Licenses and
Inspections in the years testing is performed.

NFPA 72 Section 2007 smoke sensitivity* In other than one- and two-family dwellings, sensitivity of smoke detectors and
single- and multiple-station smoke alarms shall be tested in accordance with through Sensitivity shall be checked within 1 year after installation. Sensitivity shall be checked every alternate year thereafter unless otherwise
permitted by compliance with After the second required calibration test, if sensitivity tests indicate that the device
has remained within its listed and marked sensitivity range (or 4 percent obscuration light gray
smoke, if not marked), the length of time between calibration tests shall be permitted to be
extended to a maximum of 5 years. If the frequency is extended, records of nuisance alarms and subsequent trends of
these alarms shall be maintained. In zones or in areas where nuisance alarms show any increase over the previous
year, calibration tests shall be performed. To ensure that each smoke detector or smoke alarm is within its listed and marked
sensitivity range, it shall be tested using any of the following methods:
(1) Calibrated test method
(2) Manufacturer’s calibrated sensitivity test instrument
(3) Listed control equipment arranged for the purpose
(4) Smoke detector/fire alarm control unit arrangement whereby the detector causes a signal
at the fire alarm control unit where its sensitivity is outside its listed sensitivity range
(5) Other calibrated sensitivity test methods approved by the authority having jurisdiction Detectors or smoke alarms found to have a sensitivity outside the listed and marked
sensitivity range shall be cleaned and recalibrated or be replaced.
Devices listed as field adjustable shall be permitted to be either adjusted within the listed and
marked sensitivity range and cleaned and recalibrated, or they shall be replaced. The detector or smoke alarm sensitivity shall not be tested or measured using any
device that administers an unmeasured concentration of smoke or other aerosol into the detector
or smoke alarm.
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Re: city of Philadelphia - smoke sensitivity testing

Post by legion10 »

I work in Philadelphia and with the two companies I have worked for, we always did the sensitivity testing along with the regular inspection. Now the company I worked for previously did this every year and would place it into their contract. The company I currently work for will not do the sensitivity testing unless paid to do it.

Generally if it is an addressable panel such as an EST-3 or any other addressable I will generate a sensitivity report while I am there as it is just taken care of interanally and I don't need a tool such as a Trutest.
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Re: city of Philadelphia - smoke sensitivity testing

Post by NJFireTech856 »

Yes I do inspections in Philly as well. As by code you are to do 100% sensitivity test every odd year. I usually do it every year just because its so easy to pull a sensitivity from the panel.
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Re: city of Philadelphia - smoke sensitivity testing

Post by Leo »

do you do a lot of inspection in phila, I am starting to do work in phila and I had a few questions about what they are looking for. could you PM me
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Re: city of Philadelphia - smoke sensitivity testing

Post by Jmcd57 »

Sensitivity testing is required every other year on the odd year.
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