ONYXWorks - Backups/Restore

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ONYXWorks - Backups/Restore

Post by Leo »

Backup the system Remember the system only needs to be backup when changes are made.

The database is on all the servers and clients running ONYXWorks and typically it is the same. If you deleted a icon/screen on your ONYXWorks workstation it will not affect the other computers on the ONYXWorks network.
You can send or receive the ONYXWorks database via PC-Monitor from workstation to workstation.
You should have one computer where all the changes are made and you could think of it as where the master database is, then push it to all the other computers.

PC-Monitor (arrow icon bottom right of windows toolbar) is where: backups, restore, import, export to workstation is done.

Each backup will write over the last one, this is because it is made in the same folder with the same name. The folder Backup needs to be zipped renamed and MOVED.

*** Where is the Backup / How do I move it ***
When you open PC-Monitor and select Backup System Data it will open to folder - c:\Facilities Monitoring 3.0\backup
Once you select a file name and location it is going to copy all the file needed for a complete backup with directory's in the location you picked, around 30megbits 2,000 files it will also create a small 0 KB file name that you selected (IE system.dat)
When Restoring that is the file you will select.

If you select a different location you will need to create a folder to store/send all the backup files/folders.
It does not make a nice clean file or create a folder to store the backup, it drop all the files/folders into the location you pick, so be careful.

zip/compress the backup so you have one clean backup file and then move it.
c:\Facilities Monitoring 3.0\backup
Backup.zip 17,000KB

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Re: ONYXWorks - Backups/Restore

Post by Leo »

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