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Prowatch - Event Procedures & Event Triggers

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:49 pm
by Leo
Prowatch - Event Procedures & Event Triggers

Via the Host computer one panels inputs can tell another panels outputs to fire.
(if the host computer is not running it is not going to work)

1. You will setup the Event Procedures, this is the output you want fired.
Once you save it, you can RUN it via the same form. This is a go way to test it.

2. now do the Event Triggers and assign the Event Procedures to it. The Event Trigger is the input. (no good way to test this)
setting up the Event Procedures is a pain in the ass, common sense and logic will not go far in this form.
copy what others have done or/and call tech support, do not waste to much time playing with it.