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First valid trace card unlocks a door

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:13 am
by Ndemarco
A while back, I worked with a Northern tech support agent to implement a First Valid Card Read unlocks door. It worked only during certain times (7:30-5 a.m.) on non-holidays. Unfortunately, I didn't document the entire implementation. It included:
* Timezones
* Command files
****Remove Timezone: (Custom command: L=1 2 00:00-00:00)
****Restore Timezone: (Custom command: L=1 2 07:30-17:00 1 2 3 4 5 0)
* The ADV for the selected reader's action Trace Card triggered a Command File called Restore Timezone
* The Schedule Server ran a Remove Timezone command each morning at 7:30 a.m.

From what I recall, the Restore Timezone restores the door output to Energized.
The Remove Timezone reverted the door output.

I've been digging through my docs, but this is advanced for my skill in WinPak. Any pointers are appreciated.

Re: First valid trace card unlocks a door

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:06 pm
by Leo
You may find some help with this post ... ggle#p1348

Re: First valid trace card unlocks a door

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 9:36 pm
by Ndemarco
For a N1000 panel to do a "First valid card read unlocks door" here's what I did:

1. Make a timezone "Business Hours" i.e. 7:30a - 5p. MTWTF
2. Set the reader for Business Hours timezone.
3. Make a command file "Zero out timezone" to set the timezone in #1 to 0:00 - 0:00 MTWTF and H
4. Make a command file "Restore timezone" to reset the timezone in #1 to 7:30a - 5p MTWTF

On the reader's ADV for Trace Card, the action to run is CMD "Restore Timezone"

Set a schedule to run the Zero out timezone CMD at 5:00 p.m.

I also chose to set a schedule to reset the timezone at 8 am.

If there's another way, share it. This is a great forum. Thanks, Leo.